
PR Pilot integrates with your favorite tools and services to avoid context switching and streamline your workflow. By connecting PR Pilot with other platforms, you can automate repetitive tasks, improve collaboration, and enhance your development process. You can add new integrations using the dashboard.

Here are some of the key integrations that PR Pilot supports:


GitHub integration is at the core of PR Pilot. It allows PR Pilot to interact with your repositories, issues and pull requests.

πŸ” Searching for Issues and PRsΒΆ

Finding information in Github issues and PRs can be time-consuming, especially when you have a large number of them. PR Pilot can help you search for specific issues or pull requests based on keywords, labels, or other criteria:

prompt="Find all issues labeled 'critical', read them and summarize them."
pilot task -o $prompt

πŸ“ Creating New Issues and PRsΒΆ

Creating new issues and pull requests in Github can be a tedious process, especially when you have to provide detailed information and assign the right labels. Now, you can create new issues in seconds without leaving your editor or terminal:

pilot task "The AwesomeClass implementation needs refactoring. Read the code and create a new issue with the necessary details."

🧠 Deep Context Awareness¢

You can also interact with PR Pilot directly from your Github issues and pull requests. By saying pilot <prompt> in a comment, you can trigger a task and get the results right in the Github interface.

For example, you can comment on code changes in a PR and ask for adjustments:

First pilot command

To give you the best results, PR Pilot uses the context of the issue or pull request to understand what you need:

  • The title and description of the issue or pull request

  • Any comments made

  • The files changed in the pull request


For many development teams, Slack is the central hub of communication. This provides a number of challenges:

  • Context Switching: Developers need to switch between Slack and their development environment to get information or perform actions.

  • Lost Information: Important discussions and decisions can get lost in the noise of Slack channels.

  • Manual Updates: Keeping team members informed about project updates and changes can be time-consuming.

PR Pilot can help address these challenges by interacting with Slack for you. Connecting PR Pilot to your Slack workspace adds new capabilities to its arsenal that you can use in your prompts:

πŸ” Searching for Slack MessagesΒΆ

Instantly search for specific keywords or messages in your Slack channels and correlate them with your code or issues.

pilot task "Search for bug-related messages on Slack, then find related issues on GitHub and Linear"

πŸ’¬ Posting Messages to SlackΒΆ

A common pattern is to use dedicated channels for specific topics or projects, e.g.:

  • #monitoring for monitoring and alerts

  • #releases for release announcements

  • #bugs for bug reports

Enabling the Slack integration allows PR Pilot to relay information to the right channels:

# Run this as a cron job to post daily bug reports to the #bugs-daily channel
REPOS=("my-org/backend" "my-org/frontend")
PROMPT="Find all 'bug' issues created yesterday, summarize and post them to #bugs-daily on Slack."
for repo in "${REPOS[@]}"; do
  pilot --repo=$repo task $PROMPT


Linear is a modern issue tracking tool that helps development teams manage their projects efficiently. By integrating PR Pilot with Linear, you can automate various tasks related to issue management, project tracking, and team collaboration.

πŸ” Searching your WorkspaceΒΆ

Linear provides a powerful search functionality that allows you to find specific issues, comments, or projects quickly. By connecting PR Pilot to Linear, you can leverage this search capability in your prompts:

pilot task "Find all comments made on Linear for team PR Pilot in the last 24 hours. Summarize and send them to #daily on Slack."

πŸ“ Creating New IssuesΒΆ

Creating new issues in Linear can be a time-consuming task, especially when you have to provide detailed information and assign the right labels. PR Pilot can automate this process by generating new issues based on specific prompts:

prompt="People have understanding the new ProblemSolver class I wrote. \
1. Find the class in our code and read it \
2. Search slack for messages mentioning the class \
3. Create a Linear issue for documenting the class\nThe issue should include a summary of the class, the messages from slack, and a link to the code."
pilot task $prompt


  • Stay in the flow: No need to switch between tools to gather information

  • Save time: PR Pilot finds, compiles, formats and posts the information for you

  • Control: Customize the prompt with more specific requirements and instructions to get the results you need


Sentry is a popular error tracking tool that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real-time. By integrating PR Pilot with Sentry, you can automate various tasks related to error tracking, bug analysis, and reporting.

πŸ› Bug AnalysisΒΆ

Pull together information from different services and tools to analyze bugs with ease.

pilot task "Look at bug issue #324, find the relevant Sentry events add them as a comment to the issue."

πŸ“Š ReportingΒΆ

Include stack traces in your reports.

pilot task -o "Find new Sentry issues opened yesterday, read the relevant code and write an analysis."

🏷️ Enrich Tickets¢

Correlate Sentry events with bug issues on your favorite issue tracker.

pilot task "Read JIR-324, find the relevant code, correlate it with open Sentry issues and add a comment to the ticket."

CircleCI (coming soon)ΒΆ

CircleCI integration is coming soon. This will open up a world of powerful new use cases for you, for example:

⚑ Quick Access¢

No more clicking through dashboards. Just ask:

pilot task "Why did my deployment fail?"

πŸ“Š ReportingΒΆ

Include insights from pipelines in your reports.

pilot task "Generate a report of the last 5 pipeline runs and include insights."

πŸ› Faster DebuggingΒΆ

Quickly correlate build results with code changes and issues.

pilot task "Look at PR #174, find the related CircleCI build and tell me why it failed."

The CircleCI integration will add the following capabilities to PR Pilot:

  • Read pipelines and jobs

  • Access project insights

JIRA (coming soon)ΒΆ

JIRA integration is coming soon. This will open up a world of powerful new use cases for you, for example:

πŸ› οΈ Assisted RefinementsΒΆ

PR Pilot can read your ticket, find relevant information/code and assist you in adding technical context.

pilot task "Read JIRA-324, find the related code and add relevant technical context to the ticket."

🏷️ Format & Label¢

Let PR Pilot apply your team’s style and labeling guidelines to your tickets.

pilot task "JIRA-324 is messy. Clean it up and apply labels according to our guidelines."

The JIRA integration will add the following capabilities to PR Pilot:

  • Read and write issues

  • Search projects

Logstash (coming soon)ΒΆ

Logstash integration is coming soon. This will open up a world of powerful new use cases for you, for example:

πŸ› Powerful DebuggingΒΆ

With access to bug tickets and your code, PR Pilot will quickly find the right query and fetch the logs for you in seconds.

pilot task "Look at the bug issue #324 and fetch the logs for the timestamp when the error occurred.

πŸ“ˆ Prompt-Based MonitoringΒΆ

Browsing through logs in the browser is annoying. Now you can ask a simple question:

pilot task "Just had an error on staging. Find the API stacktrace, read the code and tell me what went wrong."

πŸ“Š Kibana Dashboard GenerationΒΆ

Generate custom, use-case specific Kibana dashboards in an instant.

pilot task "Generate a Kibana dashboard for API error rates in the last 24 hours."

The Logstash integration will add the following capabilities to PR Pilot:

  • Run Logstash queries