PR Pilot Documentation

Save time and stay in the flow by delegating routine work to AI with confidence and predictability. PR Pilot assist you in your daily workflow and works with the dev tools you trust and love - exactly when and where you want it.

Quick Start

First, add PR Pilot to your GitHub repository.

Then, install the CLI:

brew tap pr-pilot-ai/homebrew-tap
brew install pr-pilot-cli

Using the CLI for the first time will ask you to authenticate with Github. After that, you’re ready to go:

pilot edit "Add emojis to all headers"

If you like, grab some commands from our core repository:

 pilot grab commands pr-pilot-ai/core

Found the following commands in pr-pilot-ai/core:

  Name            Description
  haiku           Writes a Haiku about your project
  test-analysis   Run the tests, analyze the output and provide suggestions
  daily-report    Assemble a comprehensive daily report and send it to Slack
  pr-description  Generate PR Title and Description

[?] Which commands would you like to add?:
   [ ] haiku
   [X] test-analysis
   [ ] daily-report
 > [X] pr-description

You can now use the following commands:

  pilot run test-analysis   Run the tests, analyze the output and provide suggestions
  pilot run pr-description  Generate PR Title and Description

To learn more, head over to our User Guide or get inspiration from our Demo Repository.