Usage Examples

This page demonstrates how you can put PR Pilot to work. you an also check out our Demo Project, which PR Pilot built from scratch entirely on its own.

Sketch out a new Project

You have a great idea and want to start working on it ASAP, but finding out how to set up dependencies, project structure, etc. is a pain. Just tell PR Pilot to do it for you.

In this example I have an empty Github project and create an issue explaining the details about the project.

Sketch out a new project

It provides me with a step-by-step plan, which we can then collaborate on.

Create Github issues for new Tasks

It is good practice to create a Github issue for new tasks that you want to work on. PR-Pilot can do that for you.

Create Github issues

These tasks are now available for you and PR Pilot to work on.

Refine Tickets

Writing detailed and clear tickets is important for a smooth development process. PR Pilot can help you with that. Just say which tickets you want to refine and how.

Refine Tickets

Investigate and Fix a Bug


If well-written, bug reports are detailed, contain code examples and a stack trace - enough context for PR Pilot to investigate the issue, understand the problem and try to provide a solution.

PR Pilot Understands the Issue

The result of this collaboration is a pull request that fixes the issue.

Implement a Change Request


In this example, there is a change request in form of a Gihub issue. Just tell PR Pilot what you want the result to look like and it will understand and implement the changes.

PR Pilot Understands the Issue

There’s the PR with your changes. If something’s not quite right, just add a review comment and PR Pilot will understand and make the necessary changes.

PR Pilot Understands the Issue

Organize Dependencies


Does your dependency file need some cleaning up? Just tell PR Pilot to take care of it.

Clean up Gemfile

Generate Unit Tests


In this example, PR Pilot adds unit tests to an existing PR for a Ruby on Rails application.

Write Unit Tests